MQM’s partner, attorney Joe Hanley, spoke with Banker and Tradesman recently on the current challenges of permitting condominium homeownership development under Boston’s proposed changes to its Inclusionary Development Policy, or IDP. Read his comments in the article here:
McDermott, Quilty & Miller LLP partner Joseph Hanley, a Boston-based land use attorney, said that Healey’s housing efforts as attorney general and her ongoing friendly relationship with Baker could have also played into the amount of support she has received. [Read more…]
WOBURN – The three-member Woburn License Commission has broken with their tradition of not allowing liquor license holders to commit their liquor license as as part of collateral to get a loan. At a recent meeting, S&L Liquors Inc, dba Dion’s in Woburn Center at 485 Main Street, came before the commission to commit the…
MQM’s Nick Zozula joined Mayor Wu, City officials and his fellow members of Boston’s Ukrainian community on August 24th, to raise their flag and celebrate Ukrainian Independence Day. As President of the Ukrainian American Youth Association of Boston, and a second generation Ukrainian American who’s grandparents fled Russian aggression in the 1940-50s, Nick spoke with…