If we had a nickel for every time someone tweeted or emailed us asking about the large scale development Washington Village and when construction is going to begin, well, we’d have a lot of nickels. But great news – we’ve got on update on this project! [Read more…]
Real-estate development entity Willow Baker LLC on Wednesday notified the city of its intent to develop 239 apartments, condominiums and “compact-sized” living units “for the City’s evolving workforce” on three lots adjacent to Dorchester’s South Bay Center. [Read more…]
The Ballas Group LLC is proposing a six-story, 106-unit apartment building at 1500 Soldiers Field Road in Boston. The project would include a 60-space parking garage. [Read more…]
The Zoning Board of Appeal yesterday approved a proposal for 70 apartments and 18 town-home condos between Gardner Street and Charles Park Road – which includes weekday shuttle-bus service to the West Roxbury commuter-rail station on Lagrange Street. [Read more…]