For the 5th year in row (on June 24, 2020), Attorney Miller chaired the MCLE’s annual Alcohol Licensing with the Regulators Seminar (Update for 2020).  See more about the program here. Hope to see you there!

If we had a nickel for every time someone tweeted or emailed us asking about the large scale development Washington Village and when construction is going to begin, well, we’d have a lot of nickels. But great news – we’ve got on update on this project! [Read more…]

Real-estate development entity Willow Baker LLC on Wednesday notified the city of its intent to develop 239 apartments, condominiums and “compact-sized” living units “for the City’s evolving workforce” on three lots adjacent to Dorchester’s South Bay Center. [Read more…]

The Ballas Group LLC is proposing a six-story, 106-unit apartment building at 1500 Soldiers Field Road in Boston. The project would include a 60-space parking garage. [Read more…]

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