The Zoning Board of Appeal today approved a 126-unit apartment building at 282-302 Bremen St., at Brooks Street, that will include 13 live/work studios for artists and 5 three-bedroom apartments aimed at families making no more than 60% of the Boston area median income. [Read more…]

The Zoning Board of Appeal today approved a five-story, 30-unit condo building on East Second Street in South Boston that will feature patios and roof decks large enough to give residents a breather but too small to support the sort of boisterous large parties that have become technically illegal in the midst of the pandemic….

In a time where we’re reporting on a lot of music venues closing, here’s a sudden shift against the tide: Is a new live music club coming soon to Boston? [Read more…]

For the 5th year in row (on June 24, 2020), Attorney Miller chaired the MCLE’s annual Alcohol Licensing with the Regulators Seminar (Update for 2020).  See more about the program here. Hope to see you there!

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