The former Economy Plumbing & Heating Supply Co. building at 3190 Washington St. (Gazette Photo by Rebeca Oliveira) EGLESTON SQ.—A block of Washington Street that includes former plumbing company and car garage is being eyed for an energy-efficient, mixed-use development. Developers Dan Mangiacotti and Paul Iantosca are looking to redevelop the 3190-3204 block of Washington…
A rendering of the proposed structure. (Image courtesy Boston Redevelopment Authority) Efforts to construct a hotel on the corner of West Broadway and Dorchester Avenue in South Boston continue to progress after the project received the approval of the city’s Zoning Board of Appeals Tuesday morning. It was approved by the Boston Redevelopment Authority in…
In dominating the city’s liquor license scene, the law firm of McDermott, Quilty & Miller has lots to celebrate. The rest of us? Not so much. On a Wednesday morning in September, attorney Dennis Quilty stepped before the three members of the Boston Licensing Board on behalf of Noche, a Latin-themed restaurant planned for the…
What could be obtained for free from the city of Boston several years ago and sold today for as much as $250,000? An all-alcohol pouring license in the Back Bay. That’s the high-water mark for licenses purchased by McCarthy’s Bar and Grill, Vinny Testa’s and Planet Hollywood (which has since dumped a Boston location), according…