With a long tradition of civic activism, MQMH and its team of professionals are dedicated to supporting and advocating for local organizations and civic causes focused on improving the quality of life, addressing social and economic inequality and promoting healthy, safe and sustainable neighborhoods in the local communities and industry areas of our clientele.

MQMH is proud to offer continued support and involvement with the following organizations and events:

Non-Profit Involvement and Support

  • Heading Home, Inc.
    Through attorney Hanley’s role as former Board President and current Board Member, MQMH continues to support the organization’s critically important mission of ending homelessness in Greater Boston. We encourage you to join us as and many leaders from Boston’s real estate and finance sectors as a sponsor of their annual Housewarming Event, a special night with some of the area’s top chefs (for a great cause!).
  • South Boston Community Health Center
    The South Boston Community Health Center is a neighborhood-based health care facility serving the South Boston community since 1972. With a governing principle of “all who seek care are welcome here,” the Health Center provides over 60,000 service visits a year to almost half of South Boston’s population, including those most in need.  MQMH is an active supporter of their annual Harvest of Hope Reception, a fun evening with honored guests from City, State and Federal leadership and an incredible charitable auction.  Join us as a sponsor.     Please join us as a sponsor.
  • Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston (South Boston)
    Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston is committed to helping the young people in our community succeed academically, live healthy lifestyles and practice good citizenship. MQMH was proud to support the 2015 upgrade and renovation of the organization’s existing facility serving the children and families of South Boston, as the new Edgerly Family South Boston Club.
  • The Ray Tye Medical Aid Foundation
    Co-founded by attorney Miller, the foundation is a living legacy to the compassion and generous care of the late Raymond A. Tye, his family and many friends – quietly making a difference in the lives of so many.
  • Boston Arts Academy Foundation:  Recently appointed to its Board of Directors, attorney Hanley and MQMH are proud to support the Boston Arts Academy Foundation’s comprehensive campaign for the Boston Arts Academy’s new campus in the Fenway neighborhood, and the BAA’s remarkable work as the City’s first and only high school for the visual and performing arts.
  • MQMH Stands with Ukraine#standwithukraine
    MQMH Stands with Ukraine and the leadership of attorney Zozula as President of the Ukrainian-American Youth Association in Boston, a 501(c)(3) non-profit advocacy group serving the Ukrainian-American communities for over 60 years.

Industry and Practice Area Affiliations and Involvement


Joe Hanley honored by Heading Home, Inc

In recognition of his outgoing service as a Board member and past Board President, MQMH’s Joe Hanley ( was honored by Heading Home, Inc, at its annual Changemakers Reception on January 30, 2025, in Boston. Joe and MQMH are longtime supporters of Heading Home and its important work to address homelessness. Learn more about the organization and its event here:

Supporting the Brain Aneurysm Foundation

Each year, MQMH proudly sponsors and participates in the Annual Tinlin Family 18 for 18 Golf Tournament, to benefit the Brain Aneurysm Foundation.   Inspired by the personal connection and leadership of our friend Tom Tinlin and his family, it’s a special and fun day for a critically important cause.   Shown below, Attorneys Tom Miller, Joe Hanley and Nick Zozula (left to right) at the BAF’s 4th Annual Golf Tournament on September 23, 2022.

Supporting the Yawkey Boys & Girls Club of Roxbury on June 18, 2022

Great day on the course today in support of the Yawkey Boys & Girls Club of Roxbury, with our good friends and talented architectural, design and development consultants, Johnathan Garland and Lance Campbell of J. Garland Enterprises, and MQMH’s Nick Zozula.

MQMH was a proud Sponsor of the annual Edgerley Family South Boston Club Golf Tournament at Franklin Park on June 3, 2022

MQMH was proud to sponsor and participate in yesterday’s annual Edgerley Family South Boston Club Golf Tournament at Franklin Park, to benefit its important work in #southboston. Fun time on the course with our associates, Tom Miller and Nick Zozula.

MQMH was a proud sponsor of the Bisnow Boston #LifeSciences Summit on March 31, 2022

Now the single largest life sciences cluster in the world, but will outdated zoning, NIMBY-ism and lack of regional planning hold us back?  This was the topic of discussion lead by attorney Joe Hanley, as moderator of a panel discussion with a dynamic group of industry leaders — Kenn Turner, former Mayor Joe Curtatone, Joe Boncore, Jeff Black and Ginger Desmond.  Plan for growth, be bold and create opportunities for all!  Learn more about the Summit and Bisnow at

© 2024 McDermott, Quilty, Miller & Hanley LLP